Saturday, November 29, 2008

Did Dick Cheney really shoot New York Giants football player?

New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress claimed on Saturday that he "accidently" shot himself with a gun that he carried into a New York night club on Friday night.

Burress faces the possibility of charges of illegally carrying a gun in New York without a permit, according to news reports.

Burress' story of accidentally shooting himself is about as believable as VP Dick Cheney's story of not being drunk when he "accidentally" shot a friend while hunting.
I suspect Cheney was at the same club as Burress and thought he was our next president, Barack Obama, since all those "black guys" look alike to Cheney. In another drunken fit, Cheney pulled out his shotgun and did the deed, then left as Cheney's Secret Service people convinced Burress it was an "accident."
At least that sounds more believable than what Burress said.


  1. Interesting theory, Kevin. Personally, I think there was a shooter from behind the grassy knoll.

  2. OK, after reviewing the reports for a few days now, I think Burress could have accidentally shot himself after putting a gun in his sweatpants and not knowing that it would fall through the pants. That makes a little more sense.
